Are Rain Gutters Actually Necessary?

This is a question we hear a lot at Kodiak Gutters. It is normally from new homeowners who are trying to save money and have never dealt with foundation or roof issues. They don’t know how expensive these kinds of issues can be and how having a rain gutter system can help prevent them. A […]
Water Conservation with Rain Barrels and Rain Chains

Rain chains and rain barrels are trendy and environmentally conscious ways to conserve water. So many times we are told to hold back on our water consumption, but what we don’t hear about is how we can collect and reuse water. This thought would be good for the environment and can save you a lot […]
Significant Things to Know About Rain Chains

Everything You Should Know About Rain Chains You might be hearing the term “rain chains” for the first time but surprisingly, they are quite an ancient form of adornment. It’s believed that they were first originated in Japan. So, you will most commonly see them in the Japanese houses. They are known as “Kusari doi” […]
Top Five Reasons Why Installing a Rain Gutter is a Great Investment

Top 5 Benefits of Installing a Rain Gutter You may not know this but installing a rain gutter can serve many useful purposes – from keeping the home dry to protecting your house from getting damaged and above all, helping you save a lot of money. Continue reading to know more about the significance of […]